Reflections, Up Front Brian Mueller Reflections, Up Front Brian Mueller

Reweaving Illuman

Reweaving is a process that has been in the making for a few years now. The main motivation behind it came from past president Terry Symens-Bucher who first proposed that we (Illuman) examine the collective shadow of our organization. He wanted us to ask and to answer the following questions…

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Reflections, Up Front Brian Mueller Reflections, Up Front Brian Mueller

Through a Glass, Darkly

I remember feeling as though all the big questions had been answered. There I was, a confident young man coming of age at the end of the Cold War. Politicians assured me the economic struggles of the past were a distant memory and that the burgeoning Internet would provide prosperity for all. And, as a child, I was taught our country had heard and answered the call for racial justice and gender equity before I was even born.

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