Reflections, Up Front Brian Mueller Reflections, Up Front Brian Mueller

Wild Goose Festival

I recently returned from representing Illuman at the Wild Goose Festival. This was my third Wild Goose. I had heard Richard Rohr talk about it in the past, and in 2018 on a whim, I decided to go. This year marked the tenth anniversary of the Wild Goose Festival. Joy Wallis, who is married to Jim Wallis of Sojourners, was a founder of the festival and explained how Richard was the inaugural keynote speaker in 2011. The Wild Goose Festival was inspired by the Greenbelt Festival in the UK which is in its 47th year. They describe themselves as where artistry meets activism, the secular meets the spiritual, and politics meets positivity. It is the same at Wild Goose: Spirit, Justice, Music & Art.

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Reflections, Up Front Brian Mueller Reflections, Up Front Brian Mueller

Events Abound

The summer is drawing to a close, but opportunities for growth and involvement in Illuman’s men’s work are not waning.

As always, stay in touch. Let me know what is happening in your life and what you would like to see happening at Ohio Illuman.

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Reflections, Up Front Brian Mueller Reflections, Up Front Brian Mueller


For many of us this has been perhaps a more challenging year than we expected. Our country and the world continues to struggle with subduing the pandemic as well as the many changes we are experiencing in our culture, economy and our climate. Somedays I'm simply overwhelmed, and the only way I'm able to cope is by accepting life's challenges fully as I continue reaching out to others for community and support...

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