Reweaving Illuman

Reweaving Illuman

The Challenges of Organizational Shadow Work


You may or may not know that Illuman has been engaged in a radical self-examination called Reweaving Illuman. Jeff Nichols wrote a piece about his experience of the process in the May edition of the Ohio Illuman Drumbeat.

Illuman Board Presidents Steve Hicken and Terry Symens-Bucher have also addressed this self-examination in the Illuman Drumbeat. (Please sign-up here if you are not currently receiving Illuman’s monthly newsletter.)

So what is Reweaving Illuman?

Reweaving is a process that has been in the making for a few years now. The main motivation behind it came from past president Terry Symens-Bucher who first proposed that we (Illuman) examine the collective shadow of our organization. He wanted us to ask and to answer the following questions:

What is it that's preventing us from doing the work we desire to do in the world and from being the organization we aspire to be?

Why have many men been hurt by the actions of Illuman?

Why are we and why do we seem to attract mostly older, wealthier white men when we claim and desire to be radically inclusive?

Many of the regional conveners representing our chapters have also felt as if Illuman leadership has forgotten that the work of transformation actually happens at the local level through our Men's Rites of Passage, councils and events. Adding to our challenges has been the at times difficult transition from our founding by Richard Rohr through the Center for Action and Contemplation and MALEs to an independent, all-volunteer, shared-leadership organization known as Illuman.

A bit more than a year ago Illuman engaged We Are Open Circle, an organizational consultancy with roots in the Center for Council, in order to help guide us through this process. WAOC has been joining us in our leadership councils, retreats, and at Soularize. They also provided us educational sessions about power which helped to train facilitators within Illuman. Currently they are assisting our representative group known as Shepherds, men who are tasked with implementing changes to the decision-making process of Illuman.

As you might be imagining, this has been a messy affair. At Oracle, our annual leadership retreat held in April, the form known as Illuman was symbolically shed and thrown into the fire. Thus we are now in the process of discerning what will rise out of the "ashes of Illuman." Also during Oracle, A Book of Proceedings was created with the input of the nearly 100 men in attendance.

So where are we in this Reweaving?

The Shepherds had planned to present a new process for decision-making in order to act upon the Book of Proceedings this month (June 2021). However, that gathering (Oracle 2) has been postponed. In our councils it has become clear to us that over the several years since Illuman was birthed, the world has changed dramatically and we are unsure how to move forward. Our mission of men transforming men through a power greater than ourselves has not changed, but like our culture and understanding of the world, we are in a liminal space.

So what comes next?

At this time, nothing has been decided yet our work continues. Several Men's Rites of Passages are scheduled for 2021, and we are also holding our monthly council along with other special events. Nonetheless, I'd like you to know that Illuman is poised to seriously address concerns within the operations of our organization, including white supremacy and other issues that keep us from fulfilling our mission and becoming truly radically inclusive.

If you'd like to know more or share your input, please contact me at

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One more thing...

Last year, Ohio Illuman offered an online retreat in the wake of the death of George Floyd known as Reckoning With Our Past that examined white privilege, white supremacy, and the history of slavery in this country. We are hosting another session this July 3rd from 2 - 4 pm to continue the dialogue. Please join us for the (virtual) Reckoning With Our Past 2021 Council. It is clear that men transforming men must now address white supremacy.

Chuck Rihm

🔥 A-ho!

📬 Chuck Rihm
Convener, Ohio Chapter of Illuman

Brian Mueller

Brian is a poet and graphic designer devoted to finding deeper meaning and beauty through living a spiritual life in community with others. He lives in Dayton, Ohio and practices writing poetry daily. Whenever possible he comes together with others seeking understanding through honesty and personal contemplation.

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