The Ohio Chapter of Illuman

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Events Abound

There are plenty of opportunities to engage.


The summer is drawing to a close, but opportunities for growth and involvement in Illuman’s men’s work are not waning.

The journaling workshop Wild and Wise is about to get started on Saturdays in September. I encourage you to join in where you can. Cost is $40 (pay what you are able), and you do not need to attend all sessions to participate.

Registration for Illuman’s annual conference, Soularize, is now open. Soularize will be a hybrid event this year, meaning you can join us in New Mexico if you are fully vaccinated, or you can join your brothers online (and pay a lot less). Soularize was completely virtual last year and was widely attended. Over 500 brothers joined in from around the world. In person attendance is usually capped at 300 due to logistics.

Our local councils are cautiously back to meeting in person. Men are eager to get back shoulder to shoulder. We currently have five councils meeting across the state - Akron, Bellville, Cincinnati/Dayton, Cleveland, and Columbus. We hope to continue some form of virtual meetings for those who cannot join us in person, such as Ken from Ireland. Charlie Myking had a Covid scare in August and prudently cancelled the Bellville Council. It turns out he and his partner did not test positive. Rich Horton is having health issues and the Columbus Council was also cancelled at the last minute in August. Please keep Rich in your thoughts as he is mending.

The Reweaving process is continuing at the national level. This has become a much longer endeavor than many had envisioned. We are making slow progress in aligning the structures of Illuman with our vision and intentions of being radically inclusive. Members of Illuman’s Radical Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (RIDE) Council are helping leadership see where we have blinders and shadow. Dealing with shadow material is always difficult and humiliating. We do still plan on convening Oracle 2 in the near future. The target date is now October 21.

As always, stay in touch. Let me know what is happening in your life and what you would like to see happening at Ohio Illuman.

🔥 A-ho!
📬 Chuck Rihm
Convener, Ohio Chapter of Illuman