All men on a spiritual journey are welcome.
Illuman Watering Hole Event with James Finley
(Hosted by the North Central Ohio Council Group)
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2020
Time: 07:00 PM EDT
Cost: $5
Registration: See Details Below
Contact: Charlie Myking
***This month we will be forgoing our usual council in Bellville, Ohio and joining our Illuman Brothers nationally for the inaugural Illuman Watering Hole Event with James Finley. If you have any questions about this event, please contact Charlie Myking, council leader.
Dr. James Finley
Event Description
As you know, June is the month to celebrate Fathers. What you may not be aware of is it's the second anniversary of one of Illuman's newest Journey of Illumination (JOI) offerings called Virtual Council. The work related to the JOI is at times difficult and challenging but it also offers much healing and wholeness for a man on his Spiritual Journey. Therefore, we want to make June a special month to celebrate the JOI and each Brother's effort to stay connected with each other and Illuman. We also want to honor all work that encompasses a man's journey- virtual and in-person, individually and in groups, and his inner and outer work that makes a difference in the world.
To help celebrate, Illuman is hosting a new event called "An Illuman Watering Hole." The event will be held on ZOOM on Thursday, June 18th from 7:00-8:30pm Eastern/4:00-5:30 Pacific Time with modern Christian mystic James Finley as our Wisdom Guide for the evening.
Jim will be sharing his story as a boy growing up in a confusing and often dangerous world, a world with a great deal of unhealthy masculine energy. His Spiritual Journey would eventually lead him to wisdom teachers like Thomas Merton and the Buddhist teaching of Dogen to help make sense and bring healing and wholeness to his life.
The event's format will be 45 minutes with Jim sharing his story, 30 minutes of questions and responses and 15 minutes of time to connect with Illuman Brothers. We are increasing our Zoom capacity for the night to allow as many Illuman Men to join us as possible. We hope to see you there.
As our Illuman community incurs costs directly related to this event as well as the general support of the Journey of Illumination, we are asking that all participants make a contribution of at least $5 (more if you are able!) both as a gesture of solidarity and commitment with your brothers as well as to help Illuman to cover these financial costs. To register for the event, please visit the registration webpage.
Registrants will receive login information prior to the event.
During this time our councils will be utilizing Zoom software in order to meet virtually.
You do not need a Zoom account in order to use the software and join our councils.
To participate you will need to download the Zoom application onto your computer or your phone.
If this is your first time using Zoom, give yourself a chance to download the application and get into the session before it starts.