Join us for Virtual Councils
One of the questions that we are asked frequently is, “How can I find other open-hearted men to connect with?” Perhaps you’re in an area that doesn’t have an active Illuman chapter, or it’s difficult for you to attend a local gathering, or you just don’t know other Illuman men nearby. Or maybe you recently attended a Men’s Rites of Passage and want to maintain a deep connection with other men with whom you shared that experience.
Illuman has been working to address these issues of connection by conducting Council Circles online — what we’ve been calling Virtual Men’s Council Circles. We use an Internet video conferencing system (Zoom) to connect with one another from anywhere in the world. These virtual Councils are conducted in much the same manner as in-person Councils would be: with an opportunity for some grounded contemplative time, some reflective readings or poetry, and some time wrestling together with challenging prompts. We typically break the larger group into smaller Councils of four to eight men, so that everyone has plenty of time to respond and be present to one another.
While it may seem a bit incongruous at first to look to technology to help us connect with others, we’ve all been positively surprised to see how quickly the technology can fade into the background and facilitate deep connection. These Virtual Councils aren’t meant to be a replacement for gathering face-to-face, but rather a supplement. It is an amazing gift to have the opportunity to connect with men around the world, in addition to the other times with local brothers. Follow this link to the ZOOM Training videos if you want to learn more about the software we are using.
Ohio Illuman Virtual & In-Person Councils
Covid-19 Statement
Due to serious concerns about the health and safety of our community, Ohio Illuman is in full compliance with State of Ohio executive orders and restrictions regarding the coronavirus pandemic. We are in the process of organizing virtual councils utilizing Zoom video conferencing or similar platforms until such time as meeting in person is considered safe. Please contact your council carrier (point of contact) or e-mail info@ohioilluman.org for more information.
🌎 National & International
Virtual Council Meeting Times
Wherever in the world you may find yourself, please join us! The Virtual Councils currently take place on the following days and at the times listed below. Note that Eastern Daylight Time is GMT-5, and Pacific Daylight Time is GMT-8.
1st Sunday
Central (CDT/CST)
20:00- 21:30
Meeting ID: 788 537 807
2nd, 4th Saturdays
Eastern (EDT/EST)
08:00 – 09:30
Meeting ID: 922 512 3855
3rd Saturday
Pacific (PDT/PST)
09:00- 10:30
Meeting ID: 604 725 4707
1st Tuesday
Pacific (PDT/PST)
Meeting ID: 604 725 4707
2nd, 4th Saturdays
Pacific (PDT/PST)
09:00 – 10:30
Meeting ID: 922 512 3855
3rd Saturday
Eastern (EDT/EST)
08:00 – 09:30
Meeting ID: 922 512 3855
No Council in Mar, Jun, Sep, and Oct.
Virtual Way of Council // Training Sessions
To get a feel for the benefits of Virtual Council, we invite you to click the graphic to the right to watch a video of men expressing their gratitude for Virtual Council and how it supports their spiritual journey (20 minutes). The video features the voices of twenty Illuman men, who share the impact Illuman Council Practice is having on their lives. It closes with words from Fr. Richard Rohr on the challenges that initiated men face after returning home from the MROP experience.
Also, we recognize that Saturday mornings don’t necessarily work well for everyone, so we’re working to establish additional days and times — we’ll hopefully have additional weekday evening options soon. If you want to join a Virtual Council Circle but those times don’t work for you, please let us know what you prefer by contacting Brad Pickel. Also, please email Brad if you would like to be added to our contact list for future correspondence about the Virtual Council Circle Program.
In addition, we now have Virtual Council Training Sessions. This is an experiential program where men will have an opportunity to learn the Illuman Way of Council from an experienced Council Carrier. These sessions will help men learn about the components of Council and aid them in their practice. The format of each session will include a brief teaching about Council, with question and answers, and an opportunity to participate in Council with other men on the journey. Our goal is to expand the use of Council, as it is the cornerstone practice for the Journey of Illumination. These sessions are held on the first Saturday of the month.
ZOOM Login Information
1st Saturday
08:00 – 9:30 Pacific Time
Meeting ID: 922 512 3855
The session schedule is below:
January and July
Intentions of Council
February and August
Roles within Council
March and September
Creating Sacred Space
April and October
Themes and Prompts
May and November
June and December
Loose Ends
Learn more about Zoom
Zoom provides remote conferencing services using cloud computing and is a downloadable communications software that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration.
➤ You do not need a Zoom account in order to use the software and join our councils.
➤ To participate you will need to download the Zoom application onto your computer or your phone.
➤ If this is your first time using Zoom, give yourself a chance to download the application and get into the session before it starts.
What does Virtual Council look like?How does it work?
An Example of Virtual Council
Some of the men deeply involved in Virtual Councils made a video to demonstrate the practice. Take a quick glance at the video to see how this sacred practice plays out in the ‘digital and virtual’ realm.
Virtual Council Flyer
We also have a downloadable PDF flyer that contains nearly all the information on this webpage packed into 2 pages. It contains detailed descriptions and contact information to get you involved in the incredible work being done through our Virtual Council community. Download the flyer now!