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Our blessings and prayers go out to all the men beginning their transformative rites of passage in Germany this week. This journey is being hosted by M.A.L.E.s International.
Als ich ein Kind war,
redete ich wie ein Kind,
dachte wie ein Kind
und urteilte wie ein Kind.
Als ich ein Mann wurde,
legte ich ab,
was Kind an mir war.
(1. Kor 13,11)
When I was a child,
I talked like a child,
I thought like a child,
I reasoned like a child.
When I became a man,
I put the ways of childhood behind me.
(1. Cor. 13:11)
All of these men will be in our thoughts as they embark on a deeper inward journey which will help lead them to the discovery of who they really are as beloved sons of God...