Ohio Illuman Convener Monthly Update - May 2018
Last month was very busy for me. As mentioned in our April Newsletter, I attended the annual Illuman Leadership Retreat early in April. It was a great five days of getting to know my Illuman Brothers who are in positions of leadership. We spent a lot of time in Council while also doing our own spiritual and group work…
We in Illuman believe we have an alternative to this dangerous form of toxic masculinity...
Ohio Illuman Convener Monthly Update - April 2018
The Ohio Illuman Board of Directors met in March to plot our course for 2018. I would like to welcome three new brothers to the board: Brian Mueller, Rich Horton, and Jonathon Farmerie. They will be joining vice president Bob Farmerie, treasurer Tom Simmonds, secretary Shawn Witmer, and me as your president...
We in Illuman believe we have an alternative to this dangerous form of toxic masculinity...
Ohio Illuman Convener Monthly Update - March 2018
What do all the recent shooting incidents have in common? What is going on with men, and particularly young men, in our country? Why do so many men feel so isolated and angry that the only way for them to express themselves is through violence and killing?
We in Illuman believe we have an alternative to this dangerous form of toxic masculinity...