Reflections, Up Front Brian Mueller Reflections, Up Front Brian Mueller

The Squirrel and Aspen Tree

When it comes to contemplative prayer, I am merely just a beginner. After being introduced to it only a few years ago, I still have much to learn (and unlearn). Even though few if any words are uttered, the practicing of this type of prayer is difficult. I think in part it's because of the challenge it is to stay in the moment, dismissing everything else, so we can “be” in God’s presence…

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Spiritual Reflection, News Brian Mueller Spiritual Reflection, News Brian Mueller

Oasis Ministries - Men4Directions

M4D (Men4Directions) is renewable year long program with Oasis Ministries intended to help men grow in faith, self-awareness, and spiritual wholeness. The same group of men meet four different times throughout the year focused on the metaphors and spiritual lessons of the calendar seasons (summer, fall, winter, spring) and the global directions (south, west, north, east).

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