The Ohio Chapter of Illuman

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Ohio Illuman Convener Monthly Update - March 2018


What do all the recent shooting incidents have in common? What is going on with men, and particularly young men, in our country? Why do so many men feel so isolated and angry that the only way for them to express themselves is through violence and killing?

We in Illuman believe we have an alternative to this dangerous form of toxic masculinity. When men come together in council, they are deeply received and heard. We are men transforming men through a power greater than ourselves. Men’s work is so desperately needed in our society. Your brothers need you to do your work, and they need you to reach out to them. Please seriously consider inviting a brother to one of the Ohio Illuman Councils this month. A new council is starting in Mansfield on the 15th. There are also councils in Akron, Columbus, and Cincinnati/Dayton.

Please also take a look at the web series We Are Man Enough. Last month I had a conversation with the writer and producer of the show. This is a wonderful series that is very well done. Watch it with a brother in your circle of friends. Use it as a conversation starter. We are all working towards the same goals for men. 

Our youngest brothers most especially need our help. Begin a conversation with a young man in your life. Invite him out to dinner. Invite him to council. Share with him why you do men’s work. Suggest the Crossings (a young men’s rites of passage) as something he should consider attending this July.

Ohio Illuman is also sponsoring a retreat with Northern Ohio Men’s Spiritual Journey, Growing Towards Wholeness: Exploring the Four Male Archetypes, April 27, 2018. Early discounted registration ends March 18. You can register online at Ohio Illuman.

Finally, it is up to us as men to reach out to our struggling brothers. This is ours to do. Am I my brother’s keeper? You’re damn right you are!

Thank you for your interest and participation.
Please stay in touch!

Chuck RihmConvener
Ohio Chapter of Illuman

"Without us God will not. But without God, we can not."
~ Fr. Richard Rohr