At this year's in-person writing retreat, we will open our hearts to one of the most beloved poets of all time. Rumi may have lived an ocean away, yet his metaphors and vivid images of life, love, and God are as stirring today as they were when he wrote them 800 years ago. We will seek to let this poetic mystic illuminate our lives as we follow his universal call and share the specifics of our own stories. Capturing our thoughts through poetry and journaling, we shall connect with other men throughout this engaging weekend retreat.
The love you must enter lives in the saints
and prophets. It is already the ocean, whereas
most loving still filters through countryside,
enjoying the passage.
The ocean says, quit pretending to be clear.
That pretense keeps you from receiving
what I can give.
- Rumi
Our writing guide will be the ancient Sufi mystic Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi, known today throughout the world as Rumi. He lived 1207-73 in Persia. Even in his day, his poems and prayers were widely read by diverse audiences. He wrote in Persian, Turkish, Arabic, and Greek.
It won't be all Greek to you, (or Persian, or Turkish for that matter) because his intriguing, inviting, and inventive poems are centered on universal experiences that transcend the ages. Throughout our retreat we will use various translations of Rumi's work.
For Rumi, the God experience was entering the ocean of everlasting love. Purity was found in the embrace of a friend, a lover, or a flower on a wind-swept field.
He urged us: Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.
He asked himself: I wonder from these thousands of "me's", which one am I?
He told us to ask questions and then: Look for the answer inside your question.
A keen observer of nature, Rumi used the great outdoors to teach us about life, love, and transcendence. During our retreat, we too will venture outside to wander across the 150 acres of the Bergamo Center. We’ll zip up our coats, put on our hats and gloves, and hike into the winter landscape to wander and write. Of course, we’ll also have the option to open our notebook, pull up a chair, sip our tea or coffee, and look out the window.
Key Resources for Our Retreat
⬅︎ The Essential Rumi, New Expanded Edition Paperback – May 28, 2004
by Jalal al-Din Rumi (Author), Coleman Barks (Translator), John Moyne (Translator)
➡︎ Gold (New York Review Books Classics) Paperback – March 8, 2022
by Rumi (Author), Haleh Liza Gafori (Editor, Translator)
Love rests on no foundation.
It is an endless ocean,
with no beginning or end.
a suspended ocean,
riding on a cushion of ancient secrets.
All souls have drowned in it,
and now dwell there.
One drop of that ocean is hope,
and the rest is fear.
- Rumi
Is This Writing Retreat for Me?
Illuman is dedicated to helping men on a spiritual journey. That quest is what this writing retreat is about. We choose this time in January because we are naturally planning for the year ahead of us, and also looking to root ourselves in the here and now.
You don't have to think of yourself as a poet or writer to greatly benefit from this Illuman writing retreat. The weekend is open to men of all writing experiences—from complete novice to published author. We mainly focus on sharing our journey. Poetry is one vehicle to help us in that quest. You won't have to worry about rhyming, cadence, nor other aspects of some classical poetry. In fact, you don't even have to write poetry. You could choose to do a series of journal entries instead, or some combination of journaling and poetry.
To make the retreat as pleasant as possible, the Bergamo Center is a comfortable space situated on 150 acres of land with forests, fields, and a pond. Everyone gets a private room with their own bathroom. All meals are provided. This gives you a chance to relax as needed and not have to worry about a roommate.
The retreat is broken up into six writing experiences. Each experience will begin with some inspiration from Rumi that leads to a writing prompt. After the writing period, all participants will take part in small council groups. Sharing work is optional but strongly encouraged.
We will gather as a large group, but we will also experience some one-on-one time with another participant, as well as our small group councils. We will have a relaxed schedule and an extended lunch and wandering on Saturday. There are optional gatherings for prayer each morning. Our evenings will include a social time to hang out with other participants. There will also be an open mic to share poetry written during the retreat.
All this is to say that the retreat has a lot of variety in it. You won't be sitting watching experts talk about poetry or Rumi. You will be invited to be fully involved. We are not experts in Rumi's writing, but we do believe we can all find inspiration in it.
“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”
About Ohio Illuman
This will be the eighth year for the writing retreat sponsored by Ohio Illuman. We are thrilled to invite men from around the world to join us in this reflective writing journey as we gather in person to share our real-life experiences. In past years, about 30 men have attended this retreat.
Retreat Content Carriers
Brian Mueller and Tom Sparough will be our retreat content carriers. Brian is a graphic designer and poet with nine self-published volumes of poetry. Tom is also known as the “Space Painter” and is a performance artist and writer who has published seven of his own eclectic books and who does freelance content editing for others on the quest of writing a book.
You can learn more about Brian and his poetry at Brian’s Website.
You can learn more about Tom and his art at Space Painter.
Do you live outside of Ohio?
The Bergamo Center is nearby the Dayton airport. Let us know when registering that you need a ride and we will try to arrange a volunteer to transport you to and from the airport.
Meals Information
We begin with dinner on Friday and finish with lunch on Sunday. All food is prepared by the retreat center and they are conscientious about dietary restrictions and do offer alternatives. Please let us know your preference when registering.
In between meals, we will immerse ourselves in ritual, writing, discussion, rest, and fellowship. Don't miss this opportunity to be with other men on the Journey of Illumination.
We hope you’ll join us for this unique retreat experience!
Rumi: Selected Poems, translated by Coleman Barks w/ John Moynce, A. J. Arberry, Reynold Nicholson (Penguin, 2004).
Friday (Evening) - Sunday (Midday)
January 10-12, 2025
Bergamo Center for Lifelong Learning
4400 Shakertown Rd
Dayton OH 45430
$389 and includes:
• Two-nights
• Single room occupancy
• Private bath
• All meals provided
*If the fee is cost prohibitive, we still want you to join us and will accept discounted registration amounts beginning at $200. (See below.)
If you would like to attend this retreat but have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the retreat leaders.
Brian Mueller / Tom Sparough
Retreat Registration
Registration has now closed.
Registration has now closed.
If you have to cancel for some reason, we request you do so before January 2, 2025. We will be happy to refund your registration fee, minus the processing charges, but if you need to cancel, please consider donating your fee to Ohio Illuman. Our goal is to provide affordable and beneficial programs to all men on a spiritual journey. Thank you for your understanding and feel free to contact us with questions.