All men on a spiritual journey are welcome.
Ohio Illuman Virtual Council -
Hosted by the North Olmsted Ohio Council Group
Meeting Theme: Soularize 2018 with Bill Plotkin - Part VI
Date: Saturday, June 27, 2020
Time: 11:00 AM EDT
Location: Zoom -
Contact: Chuck Rihm
Meeting Theme:
Soularize 2018 with Bill Plotkin - Part 6
In Session 6, Bill begins by inviting three men to re-count their stories of what happened when they encountered their loyal soldiers while out wandering on the grounds of Santa Ana Pueblo. Many will no doubt find these stories to be very relatable and also beneficial in reinforcing the messages and lessons of Session 4 (Major Life Changes / Loyal Soldiers).
Next, Bill informs the group he is calling this session Danger & Allurement. Knowing that the Men’s Rites of Passage is the foundational program within Illuman, Bill remains true to his self-proclaimed calling as “trouble-maker” by challenging the men in attendance to consider more deeply what it means to go on a rite of passage. He notes that there are many types of rites and also of passages within society, and that some are conferred with little or no personal growth, while others accompany significant psycho-spiritual changes within the individual. Toward the end of the video Bill expounds on the themes of this discussion when responding to questions from the audience.
Also within this conversation, Bill affirms his appreciation for the work of Illuman and suggests that through a deeper understanding of what happens within the Men’s Rites of Passage, both the rituals and the work will become even more effective in confirming and provoking psycho-spiritual transformation within those men partaking in the rites.
During this time our councils will be utilizing Zoom software in order to meet virtually.
You do not need a Zoom account in order to use the software and join our councils.
To participate you will need to download the Zoom application onto your computer or your phone.
If this is your first time using Zoom, give yourself a chance to download the application and get into the session before it starts.