The Enneagram is a system of understanding people in the world based on where their attention goes and what motivates them. This introductory workshop will cover the nine personality types, centers of intelligence, and habits of attention. You will learn how to better understand yourself and those around you. By learning your Enneagram type, you will come to know how you perceive life and how others specifically perceive life in eight different ways from you. You will learn your particular gifts and challenges as well as practices for self-development. With increased self-understanding you learn how to be more at choice and less reactive. The Enneagram is life-affirming and life-changing. Come see what a difference it can make in your life!
Course text: The Essential Enneagram. Dr. David Daniels, M.D. and Virginia Price, Ph.D.
Please purchase the text in advance of the workshop and bring it with you. You can purchase the books online at and 0.5% of your purchase will be donated to River’s Edge.
Gerry Fathauer is a certified Enneagram teacher and coach, through Enneagram Studies in the Narrative Tradition and The Enneagram in Business, respectively. A retired Arts and Cultural Executive Director, Gerry also has certifications in Guided Self Healing and the Human Energy System.
March 11th, 2017 9:00 AM
River's Edge
3430 Rocky River Dr
Cleveland, OH 44111
United States
Phone: 216-688-1111 ext. 251
Event Fee:
Fee$ 60.00