Death, my companion
I don't like the warfare words often used in resisting cancer. I don't feel like I am fighting for my life. It's not a struggle. I am alive and going through life, and death is not separate from the experience. Richard Rohr has made it very clear that the mystery surrounding death is too important for dualistic interpretations.
Reflections on a Day of Wandering - June 2018
In June 2018 several men from the Southwestern Ohio Illuman Small Group participated in their second annual day of wandering at Caesar Creek Sate Park. The men in attendance were invited to contemplate the masculine side to what most people describe as "Mother Nature." What follows are the reflections of two men who participated in this event...
Cincinnati/Dayton Small Group Meeting
A reminder to our brothers and companions on the Journey: there will be a meeting of the Ohio Chapter of illuman this Sunday evening, July 12, 2015. The meeting is being hosted by Tom Sparough and begins with a potluck which will be followed by a program. Please contact us by phone or email for details and to participate. All men on a spiritual journey are welcome.