Ohio Brian Mueller Ohio Brian Mueller

Ohio Illuman Monthly Update - February 2019

I'm writing to you from my home in Dayton, Ohio where just yesterday the weather was nearly 65 degrees! Prior to this fleeting warm spell, we experienced several days in the low 20s along with a dusting of snow…

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Ohio Brian Mueller Ohio Brian Mueller

Ohio Illuman Convener Monthly Update - February 2018

I’d like to begin by thanking Brian Mueller for organizing and leading the Men Writing for Change retreat last month. We had a great turnout, and I think this retreat was very well received. Brian showed us how to write poetry to access our inner knowledge and facilitate transformation. Those who were willing, were asked to share their poetry in Council. This inspired me to create a closed Facebook group on the Ohio Chapter of Illuman page to facilitate sharing of poetry, thoughts, and feelings in a safe environment. If this sounds inviting to you, please request to join the Journey of Illumination closed group...

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