Ohio Illuman Monthly Update - November 2018
Happy Thanksgiving!
Illuman just held the annual Soularize gathering in Bernalillo, New Mexico, October 18-21. We spent two and half days with Bill Plotkin of Animas Valley Institute and 10 of his guides, many of whom are also Illuman brothers. Nearly 300 men from around the world and several of us from Ohio gathered together to learn from Bill and Richard Rohr.
Bill Plotkin speaking at Soularize 2018
That Friday Bill lead us through much of the material contained in his three books, Soulcraft, Wild Mind, and Nature and the Human Soul. He explained his idea of soul and why we need to feel absolutely at home in the natural world to be able to experience soul and our life’s calling. He illustrated his Soulcentic Wheel of Development and guided us through his Wild Mind Map, then gave us assignments to complete while wandering the Santa Ana Pueblo lands. We sat in 30 Council circles and shared from the heart with our brothers. We also had breakout sessions on topics such as shadow work and self-designed ritual. Saturday Bill taught us some new drumming rhythms and led us in a trance dance to close the evening. Soularize 2019 is already scheduled at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya for October 24-28, 2019. The theme is yet to be announced, nevertheless I would highly recommend being there.
Men wandering at Santa Ana Pueblo - Soularize 2018
Besides our personal work, Illuman leadership met in several councils to conduct business. The Board, Wisdom Elders, Conveners, Program Council, and others met to guide this work entrusted to us by Richard Rohr.
Illuman Takeaways
We learned about the work of the Governance Council, which has undertaken an examination of the structure of Illuman and how it operates to make recommendations for improvement.
The Marketing & Communications Council briefed several sessions about the redesign of the Illuman.org website that will be live soon.
The Program Council shared their work on a post-MROP curriculum to help men transition from their rites into a personal Journey of Illumination once they return home as well as a bilingual MROP in Spanish, Umbrales, in Southern California May 29-June 2, 2019.
The treasurer shared Illuman’s finances with both the Board and all in attendance: in 2018, personal contributions exceeded Illuman’s expenses for the first time.
The Initiator Program is a great way to reconnect with your MROP and sponsor a current initiate on his MROP.
We also learned that Virtual Council has been a success. If you are unable to join one of the four local councils in Ohio (Cincinnati/Dayton, Columbus, Akron, or Belleville), consider participating in a Virtual Council.
As you can see, there is a lot going on within Illuman. I invite you to continue on your Journey of Illumination with your Ohio brothers. Show up for yourself, your family, and your brothers. We need you!
Blessings - HO!!!
Chuck Rihm, Convener
Ohio Chapter of Illuman
Without us God will not. But without God, we can not.
~ Fr. Richard Rohr