Henri Nouwen: Life of the Beloved (Part 6)

Today we post the sixth installment of an eight-part series consisting of three total sermons delivered by Henri Nouwen in 1992, around the time his book Life of the Beloved was published. In this sermon Henri invites us to spend some time with God alone in order to be told who who we really are...

The first sermon addressed Being the Beloved. The second sermon speaks to Becoming the Beloved. The final sermon invites us to become Disciples of the Beloved. You are invited to follow along in this self-paced study and spiritual reflection as Nouwen delivers an inspired and powerful testament to the love of God for all peoples...

Important Themes

  • The great challenge is to listen to that voice that calls you to who you truly are...the beloved.
  • Communion, community and ministry are the three disciplines to discover the voice that calls you the beloved.
  • Keep some space open so that you can recognize and feel God's love.
Brian Mueller

Brian is a poet and graphic designer devoted to finding deeper meaning and beauty through living a spiritual life in community with others. He lives in Dayton, Ohio and practices writing poetry daily. Whenever possible he comes together with others seeking understanding through honesty and personal contemplation.


Henri Nouwen: Life of the Beloved (Part 7)


Henri Nouwen: Life of the Beloved (Part 5)