The Ohio Chapter of Illuman

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Ohio Illuman Monthly Update - April 2019

Greetings Brothers!

I’m writing this to all the men who’ve been called to a spiritual journey and to the women who love and support these men.
At some point in your life someone likely mentioned a Franciscan priest in Cincinnati (later in Albuquerque) named Fr. Richard Rohr. Initially the name didn’t mean a whole lot to you, but you decided to read one of his books or listen to one of his famous talks on cassette. His words touched you deeply and later that led you to attend one of his retreats or perhaps even to participate in a men’s rites of passage. Whatever it was, Fr. Rohr spoke to you on a profound level and in a way no priest or religion had ever done before. And so this revelation inspired you to begin or to deepen your own spiritual journey.
The Ohio Chapter of Illuman is a group of similarly inspired men called to embark on their own spiritual journeys while also seeking the company of other men along the way. As many of us stumbled through our lives we were fortunate enough to find something or someone who pointed us in the direction of a men’s rites of passage, the Twelve Steps, or some other support group which taught us great humility and brought us into the company of other men, where we might grow through community and love as we now practice the traditions of centering, gathering, connecting, releasing and serving.
Most of us must continue our learning as we stumble along through our lives. We may never able to get things exactly right or be able to avoid all the challenges along the way. Nonetheless, we no longer struggle alone in the wilderness, but actively engage with whatever life presents us.
As an organization, the Ohio Chapter of Illuman, also known as Ohio Illuman, has been slowly growing into our mission:
“We’re a community of men transforming other men through a power greater than ourselves.”
We do our best to support small groups throughout our state as they meet in council to share their experiences and to learn deeper truth and wisdom. It’s not a specific outcome we seek, but rather the deepening of our own spiritual practice through a brotherhood that transcends the many obstacles keeping us from being our true selves as sons, fathers, husbands, brothers and generative, loving men.
Today the Ohio Chapter of Illuman is supporting monthly councils in the Cleveland/Akron, Cincinnati/Dayton, Columbus, and Bellville/Manchester areas. We also organize and run a yearly young men’s rites of passage for men ages 18-30 called Crossings Ohio, and over the past couple of years we have sponsored quarterly retreats which involve writing, the Enneagram, and time communing with nature.

Thank you very much for your love, support and participation. We look forward to continuing our spiritual journeys together!

The newsletter would not be complete without a reminder to keep the Young Men’s Rites of Passage this July 25-28, 2019 in mind. We need your help in locating prospective initiates and serving as an elder on the rites. If you know of a young man who might be interested or would like to be an elder, please email Chuck Rihm.

Blessings & A-ho!
Brian Mueller
Board Member
Ohio Chapter of Illuman