The Ohio Chapter of Illuman

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Ohio Illuman Convener Monthly Update - February 2018


I’d like to begin by thanking Brian Mueller for organizing and leading the Men Writing for Change retreat last month. We had a great turnout, and I think this retreat was very well received. Brian showed us how to write poetry to access our inner knowledge and facilitate transformation. Those who were willing, were asked to share their poetry in Council. This inspired me to create a closed Facebook group on the Ohio Chapter of Illuman page to facilitate sharing of poetry, thoughts, and feelings in a safe environment. If this sounds inviting to you, please request to join the Journey of Illumination closed group. 

The Northern Ohio Men’s Spiritual Journey is offering a retreat, 
Growing Toward Wholeness – Exploring the Four Male Archetypes, this April 27-29. While not specifically an Ohio Illuman event, we are working together with them to develop this retreat and promote it. During this experiential retreat we will have the opportunity to reflect on how we as men can grow as we explore the four archetypes of King, Warrior, Magician, and Lover. People tend to over-rely upon or emphasize one of the areas while leaving the others un(der)developed. We will examine the healthy and unhealthy (shadow) manifestations of each of the archetypes and what we can do to support ourselves and each other in our efforts toward wholeness. It is being held at Our Lady of the Pines Retreat Center in Freemont. The fee is $290. Installments are available. Questions: Jeff Barbalics (216) 426-5272 (M-F 9-5 or leave a message). Registration is open online at our website.

Our brothers in Ireland recently reminded me that the Journey of Illumination suggests observing the 30th day of the month as a day for men worldwide. The invitation is to spend some time on the 30th of each month to reflect on our journey. To remember men who are struggling in the world, men who have not the freedom, for whatever reason, to explore their own journey. You could choose to spend time alone or with other men. You might spend time in nature, in silence, reading, writing, or reflecting. If we make the time available, I am sure the Great Spirit will lead us.

Thank you for your interest and participation.
Please stay in touch!

Chuck RihmConvener
Ohio Chapter of Illuman

"Without us God will not. But without God, we can not."
~ Fr. Richard Rohr